More than ever I am loving a sewing make that takes me from machine to wear, in quick-smart time. Feels like a while since I had the disposable hours to muse over whether I preferred pleats, gathering or shirring in the back of a dress -and with the time to try all three ! And so it was that a while ago, my dream tunic walked towards and worn by a friend. It was the kind of simple, but stylish shape that you cant go wrong with....thick tights and boots, jeans and leggings - it offers itself to all manner of 'throw it on over the top' kind of wardrobe 'staple'! I traced the pattern shape from the obliging wearer and have made four so far (two as modelled above !)
On pattern paper it is a very straight forward shape, but with added ''wings'' that flare out at the bottom. These can hang either with a 'waterfall effect' as on the left below, or else, by sewing down the sides of the 'wings' on the front and back pieces, you create a more 'boxy' effect.
I have made a version in a heavier, dark green wool which hangs pretty solidly and so the waterfall effect seemed to work best to soften it.
No zips, darts or hems and you can even leave the edges raw (with non-fraying wool) for an 'organic' feel, or make a feature of a pretty selvedge edge...
The only additional requirement was a therapeutic, bias-binding making session for the neck and armholes, for which I raided my velvet and floral fabric scraps.
It has been such an easy-wearing and warm tunic, without feeling smothered in heavy winter 'woolies'. I have linen in waiting for a Summer version.
Oh, and they're good for swishing about in too ;o)