Thursday, 18 April 2013

It’s All About the Peplum

Spring Summer 2012 saw a massive trend for the peplum, whether it be tops, dresses or even shorts ! I was inspired by Burda’s Lace Collar Top 08/2012 #114, (pdf download pattern), which is ultra elegant.

Burda 08/2012 #114

Vogue V8815
                      Ultimately, I laid my hands on Vogue V8815 , (above right) and set to work. I chose a stretch, cotton velvet, as I wanted it to have a bit of body. It gave the peplum element a more structured 'flare' at the back, in a kind of understated nod to a Victorian bustle.
The pattern offers 3 different styles of which I liked different elements from each. I played around with the pattern pieces on my toile and settled for pieces 3 & 4 for the front and 5 & 6 for the back. I also cut piece 6 a little longer than the pattern in order that the back of the peplum is longer than the front.
You’ll notice that the Burda pattern includes a sumptuous lace collar. This is where it got exciting. With rather fortuitous timing, I was gifted a bag of vintage Bruges lace trimmings by a family friend who had purchased it many moons ago. It had been sitting quietly, (and yellowing!) awaiting a purpose. I sought out advice on the care and cleaning of old lace, much of which recommended Borax. However I opted just to give it a gentle soak in a non-biological washing powder and hung it in the sun to dry. It worked a treat.
It was a delight to give the lace a new lease of life. I chose the piece I felt would work best with the blue velvet and isolated a long enough stretch of it that had the least catches and holes ! It had been made on a rather gentler bias than required for the curve of a neckline, but a few tucks and folds later, et voilà! A little on the Jacobean ruff collar side, but I love it!


Sounds: Caro Emerald
Sustenance: Marmite cashews
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